It was a real struggle getting my phone. I went to a near by, phone service in my town. The representative didn't know much english so getting my message across literally took over an hour. He told me to follow him and get in his truck. I was so beat that day and after the fact that I got in the car, I realized in my head, I was like this is not normal but we ended up going to another phone service place, sk telecom to get my iphone fix because for some reason it was not reading the sim card. He was very helpful and was genuinely helping me. It didn't work so he recommended somewhere else. So, he ended up giving my refund back for the sim card and giving me an address in Korean. He told me to go with a Korean friend. Lucky, I had a few college Korean friends who graduated and are now back in Korea.
I ended up calling my good friend and going to Dongdaegu where the place that guy recommended. It turns out that my iphone only works in the USA and Europe because of the width band..something with GSM...s&$% that I do not really know about... Bummer...I had to get another phone and luckily that weekend, they had an amazing event. I had to sign a bunch of times not knowing what it says on the contract...but I trusted my friend..and I was was able to get a samsung galaxy win phone for 80,000 Won so about $80 US dollars but it was a 2 year contract. The monthly fee was about 35000 Won. Thank goodness for the help of my college korean friend.
In August, I also went to Seoul to visit another good friend and she ended up treating me to lunch with the other two foreigners I have brought along so I felt kinda of burdensome. I ended up treating her to Roy Naked Fruit Creation. That place is what she recommended and she really wanted to try it. She mentioned it being very popular and boy was it delicious....
In August, I also went to an International Culture Exchange Association (ICEA) held in Busan. It was an organization held by college students in Busan. It is a program to exchange culture with different foreigners, which is nice. There is a fee on all the events that you participate in ICEA. The organization have about one or two events each month and you are put in groups and assigned to a Korean student. There I have meet many more foreigners who were also english teachers like myself, engineers from different countries, IT foreigners working in Korea, graduate students and etc...I will post some pictures of events that I did in ICEA soon...Are group is called Harmony...<3 <3 <3
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