Monday, June 8, 2015

School Changey!

I have been in Korea for almost 5 months. Not to long ago, the board of education of our town held a teacher staff meeting which required all the native English teachers (net) to gather up for a discussion about what currently was going to happen in the near future. 

Apparently every year in my town the net change schools. I learn something everyday...I don't know why this happens but we were allowed to voice are opinions by sending an email but their was still a slight chance that we were still being moved around. It seems like they want students to see different foreigners every year but I find this very bothersome. 

After finally figuring out my situation, understanding my students, figuring out my transportation and most importantly knowing all my students names I will be leaving to another school the following year. I went through all that trouble for nothing...I really don't know what the reason is behind this situation but I feel like this is not a good idea. I feel like the net should be able to know your students well and have a teacher that teaches at the school for as long as their employed or requested differently from the school board. This will let the teachers understand their school schedules and events that re-occurrs every year instead of trying to figure out different schools cirumstances over and over again.

I feel like this puts a lot of pressures on the teachers and it is abit frustrating. As of now I teach at three different schools and the class sizes are small so I really like that about it. I get to understand my students more on the personal side. 

But the following year I will be teaching at one school and it is a much larger school. I recently talked to a teacher that worked for that school and she said the average class size is 27. o.O That is like triple the amount of students that I teach right now. I'm excited but nervous for this new upcoming challenge next year. So I will have to wait until next year to see what the next teaching adventure is all about. 

The new semster of the new school year has started on March 1st for my main school. This semester had several changes. I taught at 3 schools from July 2014- March 2015 but currently I am teaching at only 2 schools.

My main school stayed the same but I don't teach at San-nae and San-nae Nammyung Elementary school anymore. :( Thoses were my favorite schools that I taught at. The students were very nice, friendly and cute.

The office of education had hired a new GET for thoses 2 schools. When I was teaching at 3 schools, it was a bit complicated in the beginning but after a month in, I got the hang of it. Then here goes another change, I moved to a larger school, Miribeol teaching only 6th graders. There are 6 classes of 28- 30 6th graders a class.WOAH!! It was a drastic change for me. From only 10-12 6th graders to about 30 6th grade students per class.

Since I am backtracking on my blog since I fell off the bandwagon I am catching up with my blog, so much for my new year's resolution. >< For the new massive school, Miribeol that I teach at now, I have a great co-teacher who particular does all the work and all I have to do is illicit some words, phrases, sentences and prepare a game.

It seems quite relaxing compared to the other school that I have to teach at since I have no co-teacher therefore I teach alone, which I don't mind as much. The teaching styles are a bit different. The one school, I actually teach alone and the other school I have a co-teacher taking the lead.
So far I have been teaching for almost about 2 and 1/2 months at the larger school, Miribeol.

However I do miss my students from my other 2 schools. The last day at San-nae Nammyung and San-nae, I had the last review game with them and I also had a reward system going on. Since it was my last day teaching there, I had the students calculate there stamps for each grade. Students with the most stamps I've treated them to ice cream of there choice. It was about 6 students ranging from each grade starting with 1st to 6th graders.


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